Contractors Works Information

The contractor's primary obligation is to provide the works in accordance with the employer's works information. This means contractors are only obliged to do things the works information says they must do. Defects are considered to be works not in accordance with the works information.

Work Plan

A work plan is an important tool that helps a project to assign tasks, manage workflow and track the various components and milestone deadlines. A work plan often has a duration of six to 12 months, but it can be adjusted, based on a specific need within the company. Implementing work plans helps articulate strategies to employees in a way to improve team member focus and drive. Review these key components when developing work plans to ensure you are not overlooking important details.

Work Experience Information

To identify the needed resources, develop a support structure, and provide leadership that will lead to a sustainable work force for the future. To develop, coordinate and implement a strategy that supports the growth of the resources needed through promotion of our industry as a career, using the vast knowledge and coordination with other industry professionals.